Investing in marketing your business is just as rewarding as investing in your health with a gym membership or investing in a savings account for retirement.

In simple terms, what is marketing? Basically it is the act of convincing people to buy your product or service. Moreover, persuading customers to pick your products or services over those of your competitors.

So why should you believe in Digital Marketing?
Because it simply doesn't cost money, it makes money - it's a money-making machine.
Creating a digital marketing strategy is essential if you want to take full advantage of the brand-new digital era. Online marketing has increasingly replaced traditional marketing, hence your business needs to invest in the digital space if you want to gain a competitive advantage in any market.

A solid digital marketing strategy is essential for your business for the following reasons:

A Much More Precise Audience

Because traditional marketing cannot segment audiences nearly as effectively as digital marketing in order to get great results. You can use numerous digital tools to determine your ideal target audience by analyzing interests, location, demographics, and more. Platforms like Google and Meta use algorithms to provide consumers with the best and most personalized online experience. Brands can tailor their digital marketing campaigns to the right audience through such platforms.

There Is No Limit To Its Reach

You can reach new audiences anywhere as long, so the sky's the limit. Meta, that include Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp, has over a billion active users alone, which translates into over a billion opportunities!
Your brand awareness can be easily and cost-effectively increased with a strategic approach to digital marketing. "Going Viral" can be a very effective marketing tool. Make sure your content is updated regularly, the information you post is useful and relevant, and the user experience is worth their time. You can impact many more prospects with minimal effort if you impress one customer, who ends up sharing your content and by proxy promoting your work.

You Can't Beat Its Speed

Digital media offers unrivaled speed and instantaneous coverage. As a result of the absence of barriers, negotiations proceed much more quickly. A direct and immediate communication channel with clients and partners ensures that results can be accessed immediately. In addition, everything takes place at the same location. Because brands, consumers, and media you advertise on are all online, you are able to analyze the entire process at once.

Now that you have an idea about the value of digital marketing, you may ask where your investment should go.
B2B marketers will need to loosen their budget in the future as digital marketing continues to shape the landscape. Your digital marketing budget should include the below elements:

Live streaming and Videos

Video is more popular with consumers than reading text - four times as many consumers prefer to watch a video over reading. The latest content marketing trend, Live Video, plays on the sense of urgency, and customers often feel that they must watch now or miss out forever. Live video requires a clear strategy and KPIs to succeed. The earlier you develop a live-stream video marketing strategy, the better.

  • Content creation

Although content marketing is still the cornerstone of your digital marketing budget, it is becoming harder to stand out in a crowded field of content. Ads bombard consumers every day, causing content fatigue. A genuine content revolution will require more authenticity, and personalization. With personalization becoming a fundamental principle, brands seek tools to build customized experiences through personalization and journey mapping. In order to suggest the next best step to each unique consumer, companies must understand how customers consume content, share it on social media, and make purchases.

  • Content strategy

Creating content for the sole purpose of distributing it isn't a marketing strategy. Suppose you fail to commit to your digital content marketing strategy. In that case, you will produce a lot of mediocre content that will negatively impact your brand far more than if you don't produce any content. Creating custom content is the way of the future. Despite this, most B2B content marketers lack a written strategy. Rather than thinking about how to create, consider why you do it. To get people to buy, you need to create content designed to move them from browsing to buying. Find out who your audience is, what your goals are, and when and where you can deliver content. Create a strategy and nail your KPIs by spending time and resources.

  • Content distribution

Good content, however, won't be noticed unless you share it as part of your digital marketing strategy. Getting your content in front of your most valuable contacts will require an engine to drive it. To see what resonates with their audience, marketers take their content to new channels as they aim to decentralize it. Even though paid content can boost your visibility, 90% of social clicks go to organic content, and 80% of Google clicks go to organic content.

  • Cross-Device Marketing Strategies

A typical consumer uses over five digital devices, so marketers must ensure that the content they create is optimized for whatever platform their audience prefers. You may not have even considered new platforms as they emerge, such as wearable devices. Don't miss out on the opportunity to invest in all emerging platforms.

  • Email Marketing

Globally, more than 2.6 billion people use email. Moreover, 55% of company decision-makers prefer communicating almost exclusively via email. Direct Marketing Association reports that the ROI of this digital asset is greater than any other digital asset at a staggering 4,300%. According to Salesforce Marketing Cloud, email marketing offers a return of $44 on every dollar spent. When it comes to email marketing, personalization consistently and building an extensive email list is the best method for success.

  • SEO

The search engine optimization industry is growing at a rapid pace. New optimization trends continue to emerge due to Google's algorithm updates. It is becoming increasingly important to optimize keywords for user intent. Unlike in the past, today's users know exactly what they want, and search engines collect data to provide better-targeted results. You need to figure out what questions and search terms your ideal buyer personas are asking.

InFocus Media believes every big idea deserves to be under the spotlight. We use digital technology to harness the power of such big ideas to help them reach their full potential. Contact us to ensure you get a return on investment with a sound digital marketing strategy whenever you're ready to take this step and invest in your company's future.